Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

Running a business comes with its fair share of stress, and for many of us, that stress often turns into anxiety. When you're constantly juggling responsibilities, managing a team, or trying to grow your business, anxious thoughts can take over. These thoughts are not only draining but can also lead to burnout if left unchecked.

In this post, I’ll guide you through some powerful exercises that can help you calm those racing thoughts, regain clarity, and get back to running your business with confidence. Let’s dive into what anxious thoughts are, how they affect you, and most importantly, how to stop them.

What Are Anxious Thoughts?

Anxious thoughts are those persistent, nagging worries that seem to pop up out of nowhere and stick around. They often revolve around “what if” scenarios, what if I fail, what if I’m not good enough, what if my business doesn’t succeed? These thoughts are fueled by fear and uncertainty and can feel overwhelming.

As a high-achieving entrepreneur, you’re likely familiar with these worries. They can start small, but before you know it, they spiral out of control, making it difficult to focus on anything else. The good news? You can manage them.

Are Anxious Thoughts True?

Here’s a truth that might surprise you: most anxious thoughts are not rooted in reality. They’re exaggerated fears of the worst-case scenario, driven by our brain's natural tendency to protect us. It’s normal to feel this way, but it doesn’t mean your thoughts are accurate.

Learning to recognise that your anxious thoughts aren’t always factual is a powerful first step. This awareness will help you challenge those thoughts, instead of letting them run the show.

How to Stop Anxious Thoughts: A Simple Technique

When anxious thoughts flood your mind, it can feel like you're trapped in a loop. A great way to interrupt that cycle is by practicing “thought-stopping.” It’s as simple as pausing and saying “Stop” to yourself (yes, out loud if necessary!).

Once you've interrupted the thought, ask yourself: is this thought helpful or harmful? Redirect your focus to something productive or calming. This small, simple action helps break the cycle of anxiety and brings you back into the present moment.

Mindful Breathing: The Power of Pause

Anxiety often triggers shallow breathing, which in turn fuels more anxious thoughts. By focusing on your breath, you can calm your nervous system and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Try this exercise: inhale deeply through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth for eight seconds. This practice, known as the 4-7-8 technique, can help calm your racing mind and release built-up tension.

Grounding Techniques to Bring You Back to Reality

When anxiety takes over, it can feel like you’re disconnected from the present. Grounding techniques help bring you back to reality, reducing the intensity of anxious thoughts.

One popular method is the “5-4-3-2-1” technique. Here’s how it works:

  • Identify 5 things you can see around you.

  • Identify 4 things you can touch.

  • Identify 3 things you can hear.

  • Identify 2 things you can smell.

  • Identify 1 thing you can taste.

By focusing on your senses, you pull yourself out of your anxious thoughts and anchor yourself in the present.

The Power of Writing: Get Your Anxious Thoughts Out of Your Head

Writing down your anxious thoughts is one of the most effective ways to process them. When we leave our worries floating around in our minds, they tend to grow and intensify. But once they’re on paper, they lose some of their power.

Try this: the next time you feel overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, take five minutes to write them down. Don’t worry about structure or grammar just let your thoughts flow. Often, seeing your worries written down helps you realise they’re not as daunting as they seemed.

Affirmations: Rewriting the Narrative

Affirmations are short, positive statements that can help reframe your mindset and quiet anxious thoughts. When you repeat these statements regularly, they become a tool to counteract negative thinking.

For example, if your anxious thought is “I’m going to fail,” you can replace it with “I am capable and resilient.” By training your mind to focus on empowering beliefs, you can begin to shift away from the constant cycle of fear and self-doubt.

Why Gratitude Matters: Shift the Focus from Fear to Abundance

Anxiety often stems from focusing on what could go wrong. Gratitude, on the other hand, helps you focus on what’s going right. Shifting your mindset to one of gratitude can reduce anxiety and help prevent burnout.

Make it a habit to write down three things you're grateful for every day. These can be small things; a supportive friend, a successful meeting, or even a delicious cup of coffee. By focusing on gratitude, you remind yourself that not everything is as overwhelming as it seems.

Why Transformational Coaching Helps with Anxiety

Transformational coaching is incredibly effective for entrepreneurs who struggle with burnout and anxiety. A coach can help you identify the root causes of your anxious thoughts, teach you strategies to manage them, and provide accountability as you work toward your goals.

Through coaching, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of yourself, which leads to greater clarity and confidence in your business decisions. With the right support, you can stop feeling stuck in anxiety and start thriving again.

If any of what you have read today resonates with you, please book in a Discovery Call and let’s start your journey to inner calm and confidence.


Creating a sustainable work-life balance