How Not Resting Dramatically Affects Your Ability to Work (and What You Can Do About It)

As a female entrepreneur, you probably thrive on ambition, passion, and sheer determination. You love what you do, but the demands of running a business, balancing personal responsibilities, and the pressure to always be “on” can push you to your limits. It's easy to put rest on the back burner, thinking you can power through. But the truth is, not resting doesn't just make you tired, it can significantly undermine your ability to work effectively.

Let’s talk about how a lack of rest affects your brain, body, and business, and explore some simple but powerful strategies to help you prevent burnout and keep operating at your best.

1. Sleep Deprivation Directly Impacts Your Decision-Making and Creativity

When you’re sleep-deprived, your brain’s ability to process information, make decisions, and solve problems takes a hit. Research shows that after just one night of poor sleep, cognitive functions like memory and problem-solving decrease by as much as 40% (Huffington Post, 2023). For entrepreneurs, who rely heavily on creativity and innovation to grow their businesses, this decline is devastating.

Think about it: how many times have you struggled to find solutions to problems or make clear decisions when you’re exhausted? Your mind feels foggy, and even small tasks seem monumental. That’s because a lack of sleep slows down your brain's ability to process and integrate new information, leaving you unable to function at your best.

2. Burnout Leads to Decreased Productivity

As a high-achieving woman, you might believe that working longer hours will get you ahead. But studies show the opposite. After 50 hours of work per week, productivity dramatically declines. In fact, one study found that employees working 70-hour weeks achieved no more than those working 55 hours (Stanford University, 2017).

Burnout not only lowers productivity, but it makes every task feel harder and more overwhelming. This can lead to procrastination, indecision, and frustration. Female entrepreneurs already juggle so many responsibilities, and working in a constant state of exhaustion only makes it harder to stay focused and efficient.

3. Chronic Lack of Sleep Harms Your Health

Running a business is demanding, but nothing is more essential than your health. When you consistently skip rest, your body enters survival mode. Over time, this chronic stress elevates your risk of heart disease, weakened immunity, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

The connection between sleep and health is profound. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night to maintain optimal health, yet around 35% of adults get fewer than 7 hours regularly. If you’re in that camp, it’s not just your energy levels at stake, your long-term well-being is on the line.

4. Rest Improves Your Emotional Regulation

Running a business requires emotional stamina, whether it’s managing client expectations, handling setbacks, or staying motivated through challenges. When you're not getting enough rest, you're more prone to emotional instability. Sleep-deprived individuals are 60% more reactive to negative stimuli, which means even small inconveniences can feel like major stressors (Harvard Medical School, 2021).

This emotional volatility can lead to poor decision-making, conflict with colleagues or clients, and an increased sense of burnout. By prioritising rest, you can keep your emotions in check, think more clearly, and respond more calmly to challenges.

5. Actionable Steps to Improve Sleep

It’s one thing to know rest is important, but how can you actually get more of it? As a busy entrepreneur, it can feel impossible to carve out time to prioritise rest. Here are some simple, actionable steps to help you integrate better sleep into your life:

  • Create a consistent bedtime routine: Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency is key for regulating your internal clock.

  • Wind down your mind: Set aside 30 minutes before bed to relax without screens. Try meditation, gentle stretching, or journaling to clear your mind.

  • Create a restful environment: Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary—dim the lights, keep it cool, and remove distractions like phones or laptops.

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol: Both substances can disrupt your sleep cycle, so be mindful of your consumption, especially in the hours leading up to bed.

6. Don’t Forget About Rest During the Day

Rest isn’t only about sleep. Taking breaks throughout your day is equally important for preventing burnout. It’s tempting to power through a long to-do list, but research shows that working in short bursts with regular breaks leads to greater productivity.

Try incorporating the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. These small, intentional pauses help reset your brain, reduce stress, and maintain focus over long periods.

7. Setting Boundaries: The Key to Sustainable Success

For many female entrepreneurs, the lines between work and personal life are blurred. You might find yourself answering emails at 11 p.m. or working through the weekend to catch up. But without clear boundaries, you’re setting yourself up for burnout.

Define your working hours, communicate them to your clients and team, and honour them. Setting these boundaries will not only protect your rest but also allow you to show up more fully during your working hours.

8. The Power of Saying “No”

Overcommitting is a fast track to burnout. As entrepreneurs, especially women, it’s easy to fall into the habit of saying yes to every opportunity. But saying “no” is an act of self-care and a critical skill for maintaining balance.

Be intentional with your time and only take on projects or commitments that align with your goals. By focusing on quality over quantity, you’ll not only protect your energy but also give your best to the work that truly matters.

9. Final Thoughts: Make Rest a Priority Today

Rest is not a luxury - it’s a business strategy. When you prioritise rest, you’re investing in your long-term success and well-being. Female entrepreneurs often feel the pressure to do it all, but by taking care of yourself first, you can show up stronger, more creative, and more resilient.

If you’ve been feeling the weight of burnout or exhaustion creeping in, it’s time to prioritise your rest. Book a free discovery call with me today, and let’s talk about how we can work together to build a sustainable business strategy that nurtures your well-being while driving your business forward.


  • Stanford University (2017): The Relationship Between Working Hours and Productivity

  • Huffington Post (2023): Sleep Deprivation and Cognitive Performance

  • Harvard Medical School (2021): The Effects of Sleep on Emotional Stability


Actionable Steps for Female Entrepreneurs to Overcome Burnout